Chega de folga - Enough of days-off
Quando eu pedi dez dias de folga, já sabia que não iria conseguir tirar tudo isso. E realmente aconteceu. Assim que eu voltei de Bauru (onde foi a formatura do Fabinho), meu chefe me ligou, dizendo que eu teria que embarcar. Tive que ir de Piracicaba direto pra Itanhaém, pois a plataforma está na Bacia de Santos. Chegando aqui, embarque atrasou, e por enquanto estamos na pousada, sem fazer nada. Então aproveitamos pra passear um pouquinho pela cidade. Tá tudo bem morto, já que a temporada acabou, mas dá pra ver que é uma cidadezinha bem pequena, com contruções antigas e várias igrejinhas. Pra passear em temporada deve ser legal, parece ter vários pontos de agito, quando tem muita gente.
==========================When I asked for ten days-off, I already knew that I wouldn't have all of this. And it really happened. As soon as I got back from Bauru (where was Fabinho's graduation party), my boss called me, telling that I would have to go offshore. I had to go from Piracicaba (my hometown) straight to Itanhaém (at the coast of São Paulo state), because the platform is close to this city. When I got here, I found out that the embark was delayed, so we are staying at a hostel, doing absolutely nothing. So, we are using this free time to walk around the city. It's really dead, because the season of "going to the beach" is over, but we can see that it's a very small town, with old buildings and lots of little churches. During the "hot season" it must be cool, with lot's of good spots for crowdy parties.
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