quarta-feira, abril 26, 2006

Dá pra acreditar? - Can you believe it?

Corpo de Bombeiros - Fire BrigadeNovamente nada de novo (gostou do trocadilho?)... Só muitas aulas e estudo. Mas hoje aconteceu de novo algo que eu odeio aqui! Perguntei onde eu poderia achar um lugar pra cortar o cabelo, e me indicaram o caminho: "É logo ali, virando no próximo semáforo."... Demorei meia hora pra chegar lá. E o pior de tudo, não quiseram cortar meu cabelo porque resolveram fechar mais cedo, já que não tinham nenhum cliente... E eu, era o quê??? Dá pra acreditar? Além disso, o corte de cabelo era 22 dólares, um absurdo!!! Enfim, tive que dar as coisas e andar mais meia hora pra voltar... Pelo menos no caminho tirei essa foto do corpo de bombeiros, que é pertinho da minha casa (pertinho mesmo!).

Banco Drive-Thru - Drive-Thru BankAhn, outra coisa no caminho que eu vi, e achei muito louco... Eu já tinha visto caixas eletrônicos "drive-thru" no Brasil, mas isto é ridículo... O banco todo é "drive-trhu"!!! Dá pra imaginar uma fila de carros pra pagar contas no banco??? Esses americanos realmente não largam dos carros de jeito nenhum!


Again, no news... Only lots of classes and studies. But today happened something that I really hate here! I asked for a place where I could have my hair cut, and the told me: "It's right over there, after the next traffic light."... I took about half an hour to get there. And the worst thing, they didn't cut my hair, because they decided to shut down earlier than normal, as they didn't have had any clients so far... So, what was I??? Besides, the price of the haircut was 22 dollars, that's an absurd!!! Anyway, I had to come back walking for another half hour... At least I could take this picture of the fire brigade, which is close to my home (really close!).

Ahn, another thing that I saw while I was walking, and I found it really crazy... In Brazil, I've already seen some drive-thru cash machines, but this is ridiculous... The entire bank is drive-thru!!! Can you imagine lots of cars in line, waiting for pay some bills at the bank??? American people really don't leave their car for anything!

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