quinta-feira, dezembro 28, 2006

Feliz Natal embarcado - Merry offshore Christmas

Feliz Natal! - Merry Christmas!E eu tava feliz porque ia passar o Natal em casa, com namorada, amigos, família... Eis que meu chefe me liga no dia 22, dizendo que eu tinha que voltar pra embarcar. Viajei na madrugada do dia 23 pro dia 24, embarquei logo que cheguei, pra já iniciar o trabalho na plataforma. Minha ceia de natal foi bolachas com refrigerante, e aproveitei pra quebrar meu recorde de horas sem dormir: 60! Esse natal foi realmente diferente...


And I was happy because I would spend the Christmas day at home, with girlfriend, family, friends... But my boss called me on 22nd, telling me that I had to come back for a job. I traveled during the night from 23rd to 24th, and went offshore as soon as I get there, to start the job at that day in the platform. My Christmas dinner was cookies with soft juice, and I still broke my record of hours awaken: 60! This Christmas was really different...

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